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Position Descriptions

The following position descriptions include basic functions, specific responsibilities and relationships associated with American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) elected office.

  • President

    Basic Function

    The president leads the board of directors (BOD) in formulating policy that will further the mission and strategic plan of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP). The president is accountable to the BOD and members.

    Specific Responsibilities

    The president shall:

    • Serve as the chief elected officer of AANP.
    • Serve part-time in this position.
    • Preside over meetings relating to the governance of AANP and the BOD, which includes:
      • Chairing meetings according to accepted rules of order as stated in the Bylaws of AANP.
      • Setting the BOD calendar and meeting agendas in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Submitting agendas and schedules to the BOD for input prior to all meetings related to board business and governance issues.
      • Reviewing meeting minutes.
      • Ensuring rules of conduct are adhered to (e.g., conflicts of interest, confidentiality, Robert's Rules of Order).
      • Ruling on procedural matters during meetings.
    • Be a voting member of the BOD, according to accepted rules of order as stated in the AANP Bylaws.
    • Recommend replacements for BOD and state liaison vacancies as set forth in the Bylaws.
    • Appoint chairs of standing and ad hoc committees in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Bylaws.
      • Assigns BOD members to be liaisons to committees.
      • Provides assistance to committee chairs to ensure they understand BOD expectations and have the resources required to perform their work.
    • Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
    • Approve disbursements and investment fund transfers in accordance with the Cash Control and Authorization Policy.
    • Plan and execute the orientation of new members of the BOD, in conjunction with the CEO.
    • Coordinate the annual CEO performance evaluation process, as defined by the CEO's contract.
    • Act as a spokesperson or a representative (or appoint a designee) for AANP, as appropriate, to the public, media, press, legislative bodies, industry, corporate relations and other related organizations.
    • Present a report of the president's activities to the officers on a monthly basis, or upon request.
    • Promote opportunities for member engagement, leadership development and succession planning.
    • Set the time and place of BOD meetings, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Bylaws.
    • Call special meetings of the BOD as requested or necessary, and provide notice to the members of the BOD as set forth in the Bylaws.
    • Assign BOD liaisons to editors of The Journal for Nurse Practitioners (JNP) and the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP).
    • Assign liaisons to represent AANP with other organizations.
    • Write the president's column for monthly editions of JNP, as per the copy deadline established by the journal editor.
    • Deliver the welcome address at AANP national conferences and write the welcome message for the conference program.
    • Mentor the president-elect transitioning into the president's role. Consult with the immediate past president, as needed.
    • Be prohibited from, on behalf of the association, entering into contracts without the knowledge or approval of the BOD and CEO.
    • Prepare for and chair the annual membership meeting, including the preparation of an approved annual statement from the BOD.
    • Prepare recommendations to the membership for changes to the Bylaws, in conjunction with AANP Membership and Governance staff.
    • Uphold the Bylaws, as applicable to the BOD.
    • Maintain a constructive working relationship with the CEO, providing advice and counsel as required.
    • Communicate with the BOD and the CEO to help ensure the BOD's directives and resolutions are carried out.

    Internal Relationships

    Work with the BOD, committee chairs, the CEO and executive staff in collaboration with the CEO. Maintain accessibility to general membership.

    External Relationships

    Maintain and foster contact as appropriate and needed with public, press, legislative bodies and other organizations.

    Term of Office

    The term is two years. Accedes automatically from President-elect and to Immediate Past President.

  • President-elect

    Basic Function

    Assist the AANP President in carrying out the functions of the office of president and perform specific duties delegated by the president. The president-elect is accountable to the BOD and members.

    Specific Responsibilities

    The president-elect shall:

    • Assume the duties of the president, should the president be absent or unable to serve.
    • Be available to be actively mentored by the president in anticipation of ascension to the role of President.
    • Serve as a member of the BOD.
    • Assume other duties assigned by the president.
    • Coordinate the annual review of BOD policy and procedures with the CEO.
    • Chair or serve on ad-hoc committees, as requested by the president.
    • Attend meetings, as requested by the president.
    • Represent AANP, as requested by the president.
    • Maintain current AANP membership status.
    • Attend all meetings and participate in all conference calls of the BOD, attend Corporate Council annual meetings and attend all annual conference meetings.

    Internal Relationships

    Member of the BOD. Works with the president, BOD, committees, chairs and executive staff in collaboration with the CEO. Maintain accessibility to general membership.

    External Relationships

    Represent AANP with other organizations, when requested by the president.

    Term of Office

    The term is one year as president-elect, or in accordance with the Bylaws in the event of a vacancy. Accedes automatically to the office of President.

    Time Commitment

    The estimated time commitment is 25-30 hours per month and varies by month.

  • Immediate Past President

    Basic Function

    Maintain accessibility for consultation and guidance to president and BOD.

    Specific Responsibilities

    The immediate past president shall:

    • Serve as a member of the BOD.
    • Maintain accessibility for consultation and guidance to president and BOD.
    • Serve as a member or chair of ad-hoc committees, as requested by the president.
    • Work with the CEO every-other-year on periodic review of the Bylaws and all policies and procedures.
    • Serve as ex-officio member of committee(s), as requested by the president.
    • Represent AANP, as requested by the president.
    • Maintain current AANP membership status.
    • Attend all meetings and participate in all conference calls of the BOD and attend all annual conference meetings.

    Internal Relationships

    Work with the BOD, committees, chairs and executive staff in collaboration with the CEO and president. Maintain accessibility to general membership.

    External Relationships

    Represent AANP with other organizations, as requested by the president and in collaboration with the CEO.

    Term of Office

    The term is one year, immediately following presidency.

  • Treasurer

    Basic Function

    In coordination with the CEO, the treasurer oversees the financial health of AANP, presents the finance report at the AANP annual meeting and ensures financial reports are submitted.

    The treasurer shall:

    • Serve as a member of the BOD and its officers.
    • Review and submit the annual budget to the BOD, with the assistance of the CEO and the Vice President (VP) of Finance and Membership.
    • Participate in the implementation of the annual budget, with the assistance of the CEO and the VP of Finance and Membership.
    • Review the expenditures and financial status of AANP on a quarterly basis with the CEO and VP of Finance and Membership to ensure overall fiscal integrity.
    • Review the annual independent audit with the CEO and VP of Finance and Membership.
    • Ensure financial reports are submitted quarterly to the BOD.
    • Present the finance report at the AANP Annual Membership Meeting.
    • Serve as ex-officio member of committees as requested by the president.
    • Represent AANP as requested by the president.
    • Maintain current AANP membership status.
    • Attend all meetings and participate in all conference calls of the BOD and its officers, attend Corporate Council annual meetings and attend all annual conference meetings.

    Internal Relationships

    Work with the BOD and its officers, committees and chairs, and executive staff in collaboration with the CEO. Maintain accessibility to general membership.

    External Relationships

    Represent AANP with other organizations as requested by the president and in collaboration with the CEO.

    Term of Office

    The term is two years, elected in odd-numbered years.

    Time Commitment

    The estimated time commitment is 25-30 hours per month and varies by month.

  • Recording Secretary

    Basic Function

    Ensure that records and approved meeting minutes are taken and maintained for all BOD meetings. The recording secretary is accountable to the BOD and members.

    Specific Responsibilities

    The recording secretary shall:

    • Serve as a member of the BOD and its officers.
    • Ensure that copies of approved minutes of all meetings are provided to the BOD and CEO.
    • Ensure maintenance of records of all BOD and officers meetings.
    • Ensure maintenance of current copies of the AANP Bylaws for use by the BOD, CEO, staff and AANP members.
    • Serve as a member of chair of ad-hoc committees as requested by the president.
    • Represent AANP as requested by the president.
    • Maintain current AANP membership status.
    • Attend all meetings and participate in all conference calls of the BOD and its officers, attend Corporate Council annual meetings and attend all annual conference meetings.

    Internal Relationships

    Work with the BOD and its officers, committees and chairs, and executive staff in collaboration with the CEO. Maintain accessibility to general membership.

    External Relationships

    Represent AANP with other organizations as requested by the president and in collaboration with the CEO.

    Term of Office

    The term is two years, elected in even-numbered years.

    Time Commitment

    The estimated time commitment is 20-30 hours per month and varies by month.

  • Regional Director

    Basic Function

    Regional directors serve on the BOD as the elected representative from their respective region and contribute to the mission, vision and strategic plan of AANP while maintaining fiduciary responsibility for the organization.

    Specific Responsibilities

    • Represents respective regional membership on BOD.
    • Actively works with state liaisons in the region to facilitate the needs of members.
    • Communicates on a regular basis with state liaisons in the region.
    • Collaborates with staff on planning and coordination of annual regional invitational leaders' meeting in the region each year (refer to Policy and Procedures for Regional Leaders Meetings).
    • Develops the agenda for the invitational leaders' meetings in collaboration with the Vice Presidents of State and Federal Government Affairs, the president and AANP leadership.
    • Utilizes AANP's available resources and technology to maintain ongoing dialogue in communication with the region's state liaisons, regional leadership contacts and general membership.
    • Fosters networking and communication between AANP and other advanced practice nursing organizations, professional groups, nurse practitioner (NP) educational programs and consumer organizations.
    • Facilitates public relations for the region in collaboration with AANP staff and resources.
    • Represents AANP in respective region's NP Organization meetings and conferences to promote the visibility of AANP using the regional director's budget.
    • Guides state liaisons in the process of nomination and selection of candidates for the annual State Award for Excellence.
    • Mentors AANP members with leadership potential in the region for committee members, AANP Community co-chairs or other positions in AANP.
    • Attends BOD meetings as per AANP Bylaws.
    • Submits written regional report biannually, as directed by the AANP President.
    • Attends and participates in the annual AANP national conference and other meetings, as directed by the AANP President.
    • May host a regional open house at the national conference using the regional director's budget.
    • Plans activities nationally and regionally that support state liaisons and members, congruent with the mission and strategic plan of AANP, utilizing the regional director's budget.
    • Actively participates in committee(s), as appointed by the president. Serves as the BOD liaison to committees, as appointed by the president.
    • Checks AANP email daily and responds in a timely manner.
    • Maintains current AANP membership status.

    Internal Relationships

    Works with other BOD members, state liaisons, committees and executive staff in collaboration with the CEO. Maintains accessibility to membership.

    External Relationships

    May have contact with state agencies, legislative bodies, organizations, programs, consumer groups, the public and press in the region.

    Time Commitment

    The estimated time commitment is 15-20 hours per month, which does not include board meetings.

  • State Liaison

    Basic Function

    The state liaison serves as the key state contact person for the regional director, BOD and executive staff. The state liaison actively serves to advance the interests of AANP and its members. State liaisons are accountable to the BOD.

    Specific Responsibilities


    • Coordinate with AANP to disseminate AANP-approved messages related to practice and issues that impact the profession within the state.
    • Partner with AANP staff in responding to state-specific inquiries on NP practice.
    • Communicate with regional directors and AANP Practice staff regarding state specific practice issues.
    • Have knowledge of AANP Practice Briefs and policy statements related to NP practice.


    • Promote AANP to NP students and educational programs in the state. This may include providing guest lectures and AANP materials to faculty and students, as requested.
    • During your term, plan to attend the AANP National Conference held in June of each year.
    • Share any state specific educational needs or trends that AANP should be aware of.
    • Promote the vast education AANP offers to members. Have an advanced understanding of the library.


    • Communicate with Region Directors and AANP government relations staff regarding information received about legislative issues in the state.
    • Foster relationships with state NPO organizations so that you are aware of any developments, activities or concerns that should be shared with AANP.
    • Have a working knowledge of the AANP Advocacy Center. Encourage members in your state to use it when calls for action are issued.


    • Assist the Research department by sharing news of surveys and other information gathering projects.
    • Be aware of the Network for Research.
    • Understand the major research activities of AANP such as the Workforce Survey and Infographic, etc.


    • Maintain active AANP membership.
    • Reside within the state that you wish to represent.
    • Direct members to appropriate staff or departments as needed.
    • Attend and participate in virtual Regional Meetings.
    • Participate in SL reporting as requested.


    • Build membership by recruiting new members; encourage current members to renew every year.
    • Identify a contact person at each NP program in your state.
    • Champion NP students and encourage them to join AANP and remain members throughout their career.
    • Raise awareness of resource materials available to students and faculty on the AANP website.
    • Liaise with state Nursing Professional Organizations (NPOs) to foster a collaborative relationship.
    • Host AANP exhibit booths at state and regional conferences, as requested.

    Communications and Public Relations

    • Serve as key state contact person for the Regional Director, BOD, and Executive Staff.
    • Coordinate with AANP to disseminate messages to NPOs.
    • Increase visibility of AANP in the state:
      • Network with your state NPO(s).
      • Coordinate and implement the annual AANP State Award for Outstanding Contribution.
      • Promote state recognition of NP Week each November. Help to plan and execute NP Week activities in your state each year.
    • Engage in AANP media relations, if requested by AANP.
    • Participate in AANP conference calls as scheduled.
    • Regularly check email for communications from AANP and the State Liaison listserv.

    Note: State Liaison title and term limit is beholden to all changes or updates made in the AANP Bylaws.

    Internal Relationships

    Work with AANP staff, the BOD and committees. Maintain close communication with the regional director and accessibility to membership in their state.

    External Relationships

    Maintain contact with state organizations and NP programs. May involve contact with consumer and public groups, state legislative bodies and press, with prior clearance by AANP.

    View State Liaison Eligibility Criteria and Q&A

    Time Commitment

    The estimated time commitment is five to 10 hours per month.

  • Nomination Council

    Basic Function

    The purpose of the Nomination Council is to develop a slate of qualified candidates for elected positions within AANP. Council members are accountable to the BOD and members.

    Specific Responsibilities

    • Participate in developing information regarding the nomination process and disseminating that information to AANP members.
    • Conduct reviews and interviews of all eligible candidates seeking a particular office to determine the most qualified candidates for each open position on the slate.
    • Recruit qualified candidates for positions not filled through the nomination process.
    • Submit a slate of fully-vetted candidates to the BOD for their approval.
    • Ensure ballots are sent to the membership according to the elections process and that members are informed of election results in a timely manner.
    • Ensure all candidates have been provided a copy of the AANP Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy (COI) and have fully completed the Certificate of Agreement and Statement of Disclosure.
    • Participate in all Nomination Council meetings and conference calls.
    • Review the AANP Nomination Council Policy and Procedures and position descriptions annually.

    Internal Relationships

    Work with the Vice President of Communication and other staff as needed, as well as the BOD.

    External Relationships

    Communicate as needed with qualified members related to seeking potential candidates for elected positions within AANP.

    Time Commitment

    The estimated time commitment is 10-15 hours per month depending on the month.