High blood pressure? Congestive heart failure? Arrhythmias? It’s all in a day’s work for you. The Cardiology Specialty Practice Group (SPG) offers a unique opportunity to interactively collaborate with colleagues who share interest or clinical expertise in cardiology. As an SPG member, you’ll have access to a cutting-edge, online forum where you can engage in discussions, document sharing and knowledge exchange with your fellow nurse practitioners (NPs). Come learn, share and help progress the development of theory and practice in cardiology.
Since heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S. and around the world, it is imperative that NPs address primary prevention strategies to improve cardiovascular health. The Cardiology SPG provides a forum for NPs from all aspects of cardiology practice to share their clinical knowledge and expertise with one another and forge relationships across the country.
Heart disease affects so many of our patients and is the number one cause of death. Nurse practitioners are at the forefront of caring for patients through all stages, from prevention to palliative care. We perform diagnostic testing as well as care for those patients effected by arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, valvular disease, heart failure and more. This forum is a great way for NPs to share knowledge and expertise and to network. I am proud to be the Co-chair of this group of outstanding health care professionals!
Join this growing SPG community and engage with other like-minded NPs with an interest in cardiology. Take part in interactive discussion and debate, gain support and explore Q&As and always be on top of the latest available news, education and information.