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Pediatrics Specialty Practice Group

Engage, Learn, Network and Progress Practice in Pediatrics

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Pediatrics SPG

The Pediatrics Specialty Practice Group (SPG) offers a unique opportunity to interactively collaborate with colleagues who share interest or clinical expertise in pediatrics. As an SPG member, you’ll have access to a cutting-edge, online forum where you can engage in discussions, document sharing and knowledge exchange with fellow NPs. Come learn, share and help progress the development of theory and practice in pediatrics.

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A Message From the Pediatrics SPG Co-chairs


Welcome to the new Pediatric Special Interest Group! I am delighted that AANP members have expressed a growing interest in pediatric primary care and I am thrilled to join Laura as inaugural co-chair to facilitate learning and sharing in this new forum.

I have been a pediatric-focused advanced practice nurse (PNP and NNP) in New York for over 30 years. I have practiced in critical care and primary care, with a special focus on primary care of chronically ill children. I am currently Associate Editor of MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, where I oversee pediatric content and its “Toward Evidence-Based Practice” column. I am also Associate Editor for AWOHNN's popular textbook, “Perinatal Nursing” (5th Ed, Simpson & Creehan editors, LWW), where I also oversee its pediatric content. To achieve the goal of a more diverse maternal-child health care workforce, I also work with federal agencies that fund advanced-level nursing education and have secured over $5 million to support the education of diverse nurses who seek to become maternal-child primary care providers in underserved regions on New York.

Within our SIG, you will find opportunities to connect with peers, share best practices and discover innovative ways to serve our patients, families and broader communities. I look forward to connecting, sharing and learning with you!


I am so pleased to welcome you to our AANP Pediatric Community. Annie and I are thrilled to co-chair this forum and help create a space where we can all connect, share and learn.

I am a veteran PNP from the Atlanta, Georgia area with experience in pediatric primary care and hospital based newborn care. My practice over the years has diversified to include professional and child health policy and advocacy, child and adolescent injury prevention, substance use prevention, tobacco prevention and suicide prevention. I was also a three-term elected member of the Cobb County Board of Education and have served on several non-profit boards. I am privileged to be a past-president (2016-2017) of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and an AANP Fellow.

We look forward to creating a space of warmth, welcome and mutual support so we can all grow together in our ability to positively impact the health and well-being of our nation’s young people.

Pediatrics SPG Forums

Join this growing SPG community and engage with other like-minded NPs with an interest in pediatrics. Take part in interactive discussion and debate, gain support and explore Q&As and always be on top of the latest available news, education and information.

Pediatrics SPG Details and Eligibility

  • Annual Dues: $20.
  • Available exclusively to current AANP members.
  • Open to all AANP members with specialty practice or interest in pediatrics, especially those with board certification.