Be Part of the Movement: Join the Nurse Practitioner (NP) Community Representing the Interests of More Than 385,000 Licensed NPs in the U.S.!
Being a part of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) is more than just a membership — it’s a real opportunity to make a measurable difference in the strength of your profession and the health of this country. By NPs and for NPs, AANP continually advocates for your interests and supports your practice. Join the growing NP community and add your support to the strength and stability of the NP role.
To join AANP as an NP member, you must have successfully completed an NP program and be currently certified as an NP with a nationally approved certifying body.
NP members have the right to vote in national and state elections.
NP members desiring to seek national or state office must maintain AANP membership in good standing for the 12 months prior to the date on which the call for nominations begins.