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AANP Joins International Community to Condemn Invasion of Ukraine

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) supports health care workers across the world who are providing care for those in Ukraine and caring for the millions of refugees who are fleeing the war zone. In solidarity with the international community, AANP signed on to a joint statement from the International Council of Nursing (ICN) and other global nursing organizations condemning the military attacks, and supporting nurses and nurse practitioners on the frontlines.

"The International Council of Nurses (ICN), the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) and the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations (EFNNMA), speaking on behalf of the world’s 28 million nurses, utterly condemn the illegal invasion of Ukraine and the military attacks on its people. We call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to all hostilities and for the commencement of intensified diplomatic negotiations to secure peace.
"Nurses and other healthcare workers deliver care and treatment to all patients without fear or favour: they must be allowed to do their work protected from threats and violence, and the healthcare facilities they work in must be shielded from harm. International regulations and the Geneva Convention protecting health facilities and health workers must be respected and enforced.
"The people of Ukraine must be provided with the humanitarian aid they are entitled to under international treaties, and they must have ready access to the vital equipment, medicines and supplies that are required to treat all of their healthcare needs, including injuries or illnesses. Refugees from the conflict must be afforded the right of free passage and provided with healthcare and support on their journeys and when they reach a place of safety."

Access the Joint Statement

AANP and its individual leaders have made donations to the American Red Cross. Members who wish to contribute are encouraged to find a reputable charity of their choice.

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