May or may not be indicated in post-COVID patients. Will help clarify or exclude other conditions. Includes complete blood count, ferritin, electrolytes, troponin, liver panel, renal function, C reactive protein, creatinine kinase, D-dimer, BNP, chest x-ray, urinalysis and EKG.
Read a worldwide analysis of patients with post-COVID conditions, including data on preexisting health conditions, location and demographics. https://patientresearchcovid19...
Long haulers need to be encouraged to do all they can to support their own general health. Stop smoking; use a pulse oximeter daily; diet, rest and sleep; limit alcohol and caffeine; pace and gradually increase activity and exercise.
Standard therapies should be implemented for neurologic complications such as headaches, with imaging evaluation and referral to a specialist reserved for refractory headache.
Rehabilitation outcomes to improve post-COVID fatigue, breathlessness and cognition.
Standard screening tools should be used to identify patients with anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, PTSD, dysautonomia and fatigue.
Malnutrition has been noted in 26%-45% of patients with COVID-19. Protocols to provide nutritional support for patients (many of whom suffered from respiratory distress, nausea, diarrhea and anorexia, with a resultant reduction in food intake) continue to be refined.
Long COVID is significantly impacted by social determinants of health with the primary care provider in a perfect position to provide care and coordinate care for this vulnerable population of long haulers.