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AANP Social Media

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American Association of Nurse Practitioners Social Media

Following the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) on social media is a great way to connect with other nurse practitioners (NPs) and industry professionals, stay current with the latest NP and health care news and stay in touch with AANP. We want to hear from you, so get involved today!


Keep information about AANP happenings and the NP industry at the top of your News Feed. Go to AANP's Facebook Page and hit the "Like" button!

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Follow AANP for the latest AANP news and other NP items of interest. Be sure to tag us using @aanp_news.

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The AANP LinkedIn page is a great place to connect with other NPs and discuss issues and trends relevant to the NP field and the health care industry.

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From media campaign television spots to recorded webinars and announcements of the latest news, AANP’s YouTube video library is growing!

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A picture is worth 1,000 words! See what’s going on in the NP world and participate in our visual celebration of NP Week, AANP National Conference and more.

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