The American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) published "Gear Up for Success as a Nurse Practitioner: A Guide for Nurse Practitioner Students" to assist nurse practitioner (NP) students as they navigate education, certification, the job search process, contract negotiation, financial health and more! Available exclusively to AANP members, you can view a sample of the guide's contents below.
In addition to these high-level topics, the guide also contains:
Information on how to choose the right patient population for you.
Tips to help you interview well.
Financial considerations.
Ways to maximize your NP program experience.
Helpful details related to licensure and certification.
Best practices for writing a résumé or curriculum vitae.
Support for your next job search.
Insight related to provider authorization numbers, professional liability insurance, disability insurance and more.
Information on credentialing and privileges.
An overview of the American health care system, including managed care, Medicare, Medicaid, value-based care, telehealth and more.
Tips to help you navigate loan repayment programs and debt consolidation.
Additional insight into ways you can maximize the benefits you gain as an AANP member.