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APRN Compact: Get It Right, Then Get It Started

PRESS PAUSE! Hold on adopting the APRN Compact

When done well, interstate compacts have the potential to reduce licensure variability between states and make it easier for clinicians to work across state lines. Unfortunately, the latest version of the APRN Compact falls short.

Learn why the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) and other associations for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are pressing pause on adopting the APRN Compact and calling for an improved version that we can all support.


AANP’s brief video overview of the current APRN Compact to learn why we should press pause on adopting this version of the APRN Compact.
Length: 16 minutes.

Get Involved

Let’s work together to resolve the outstanding concerns around uniform licensure standards, prescribing practice and the lack of a formal mechanism for APRN representation before adopting an APRN Compact.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the necessity of having nurses at the policy table, shaping the decisions that impact their professional practice and care of patients. Keep an eye out for AANP emails to discover ways you can be heard.

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