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Practice-related Research

The Latest Information on the Nurse Practitioner (NP) Role

American Association of Nurse Practitioners - Practice Related Research

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) serves as a robust resource on NPs and their practices and houses the only comprehensive database of NPs in the United States. Research at AANP is essential for understanding how NPs are shaping the future of health care.

“Being an AANP member gives you a lot of opportunities you wouldn't have otherwise, like the ability to get involved in things like research and taking surveys and having your voice heard.”
- Lisa M.
Member since 2015

Research Reports and Resources

AANP provides valuable research about NPs and guidance for members and others interested in similar research. Read current reports on practice settings, compensation, demographics and more, or check out funding opportunities, statistical guides and other resources.

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Research Opportunities for NPs

Are you interested in designing your own study, participating in an online community or taking surveys? There are many opportunities to get involved through AANP.

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NP Research Agenda

View AANP’s research priorities for practice, education, advocacy and policy, research, and leadership.

View AANP Research Priorities

Committed to supporting you in all areas of your career with a wealth of practice resources.