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Be a Part of The Voice of the Nurse Practitioner®

American Association of Nurse Practitioners - Voice of the NP

Being a part of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) is more than just a membership — it’s a real opportunity to make a measurable difference in the strength of your profession and the health of this country. When you join AANP, you are joining a movement — a vibrant, professional community that represents the interests of the more than 385,000 licensed nurse practitioners (NPs) across the U.S.

Member Benefits

From unyielding advocacy and free or significantly reduced rates on continuing education (CE) to valuable discounts and exclusive networking opportunities, AANP member benefits support you in all areas of practice and throughout your career so that you can focus on what you do best — providing an unparalleled level of care to your patients.

  • Advocacy for your practice and the greater NP role.
  • A comprehensive library of quality CE activities for NPs of all specialties and experience levels — at free or significantly reduced rates for members.
  • Exclusive discounts and savings.
  • Free online NP journal subscriptions.
  • So much more!

Membership Categories

Your AANP membership is customized to be exactly what you need at the current stage of your career. Whether you are just beginning your NP education or retiring from the profession, you can support the NP role while receiving member benefits that, in turn, support you personally and professionally. From up-to-date news on health care topics to advocacy at the national and state level, AANP membership is here to meet your needs.

  • Nurse Practitioner (NP)

    For current, practicing NPs.

    Being a part of AANP is more than just a membership — it’s a real opportunity to make a measurable difference in the strength of your profession and the health of this country. By NPs and for NPs, AANP continually advocates for your interests and supports your practice. Join the growing NP community and add your support to the strength and stability of the NP role.

    Join AANP

    NP Membership Details and Eligibility

    • Annual Dues: $153
    • To join AANP as an NP member, you must have successfully completed an NP program and be currently certified as an NP with a nationally approved certifying body.
    • NP members have the right to vote in national and state elections.
    • NP members desiring to seek national or state office must maintain AANP membership in good standing for the 12 months prior to the date on which the call for nominations begins.
  • Student

    For those currently enrolled in an entry-level program that prepares NPs.

    Whether you are looking for one-of-a-kind networking opportunities or you want to tap into the many benefits and resources available to NP students, AANP is here to help you get your education and career off to a wonderful start. Your membership not only provides the personal support you need at this important time in your professional growth but also supports the strength and stability of the NP role — a community you will soon be joining!

    Join AANP

    Student Membership Details and Eligibility

    • Annual Dues: $55
    • To join AANP as a Student member, you must currently be enrolled in an entry-level program that prepares students with no prior NP education. Examples include master's and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs or the NP portion of a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing to DNP program.
    • Student members have the right to vote in state elections.
    • Student members desiring to seek state office must maintain AANP membership in good standing for the 12 months prior to the date on which the call for nominations begins.
  • Licensed NP Student

    For NPs who have returned to school for further education.

    The dedication to your education, your patients and the NP role is evidenced by your decision to seek an additional advanced degree. As you work to advance your skills and knowledge, AANP is also working to support your profession and produce education and other resources to help you in this important stage of your development.

    Join AANP

    Licensed NP Student Membership Details and Eligibility

    • Annual Dues: $97
    • To join AANP as a Licensed NP Student member, you must be a certified NP who is currently enrolled in school for further education, such as a post master's certificate, Doctor of Nursing Practice or PhD program.
    • Licensed NP Student members have the right to vote in national and state elections.
    • Licensed NP Student members desiring to seek state or national office must maintain AANP membership in good standing for the 12 months prior to the date on which the call for nominations begins.
  • Career Starter

    For newly graduated NPs in the first year of their career.

    Welcome to the NP community! As you begin your career, AANP membership gives you access to networking opportunities, discounts on quality CE and free practice resources to help with the clinical and business sides of practicing as an NP. Your membership also allows AANP to continue representing your interests to legislators as we work to support and advance the NP role.

    Join AANP

    Career Starter Membership Details and Eligibility

    • Annual Dues: $97
    • To join AANP as a Career Starter member, you must be a newly graduated NP who is in the first year of your career. Membership as a Career Starter member is limited to one year after which you will renew as an NP member or Licensed NP Student member.
    • Career Starter members have the right to vote in national and state elections.
    • Career Starter members desiring to seek state or national office must maintain AANP membership in good standing for the 12 months prior to the date on which the call for nominations begins.
  • Retired Nurse Practitioner

    For NPs who want to continue advocating for the NP role during retirement.

    You’ve been there, you've done that and you've seen a lot along the way — but you've never wavered when it came to giving your patients the absolute best. Your legacy of care can continue and expand as new generations of NPs take the lead in advancing the role and delivering the highest quality care. You may not see patients directly, but a Retired NP membership lets you keep making a difference in the strength of the NP role and the health of this country.

    Join AANP

    Retired NP Membership Details and Eligibility

    • Annual Dues: $56
    • To join AANP as a Retired NP member, you must be an NP who has retired from NP practice.
    • Retired NP members have the right to vote in national and state elections.
    • Retired NP members desiring to seek state office must maintain AANP membership in good standing for the 12 months prior to the date on which the call for nominations begins.
  • Associate (non-NP)

    For any non-NP who believes in supporting the growth of the NP role.

    If you believe in the power of the NP role and advancing the high-quality, patient-centered approach to health care that NPs provide, there’s no better way to show your support than with an Associate membership in AANP.

    Join AANP

    Associate Membership Details and Eligibility

    • Annual Dues: $163
    • Any non-NP who is interested in fostering the objectives of AANP and the NP role can join AANP as an Associate member.
    • Associate members do not have the right to vote in national or state elections.
    • Associate members can not seek national or state office.

"I am proud to be a part of a large, well-respected organization that advocates for me and advocates for my patients. There is strength in numbers, and the number of AANP members shows that we are a force to be reckoned with."
— Laura M., RN, MSN, FNP-BC
Member since 2012

Other Membership Opportunities

AANP Communities

Join an AANP Community to connect with others who share common goals for advancing knowledge and best practices in select areas like acute care, pain management, cardiology, dermatology and more.

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Membership for Organizations

Learn how your organization — whether an NP association, employer of NPs or a private company — can align with the growing, nationwide NP community.

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AANP Fellows

The Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP) are selected based on their outstanding contributions to clinical practice, research, education or policy. Discover what it takes to join the ranks of these visionary NP leaders.

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Become a trusted resource for your patients with relevant, evidence-based educational experiences.