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Nurse Practitioner Organization Consultation Request

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) is an expert on NP practice and policy issues. The association has played an instrumental role in securing Full Practice Authority, finalizing more than 100 state laws to the benefit of NPs and their patients and preventing new barriers from forming. AANP brings that expertise and its commitment to the profession to its consultations and partnerships with NP Organization (NPO) members.

DISCLAIMER: The material provided in consultations is offered as information only and not as practice, financial, accounting, legal or other professional advice. Correspondents must contact their own professional advisors for such advice.

Name of AANP NPO Member is required
Your First Name is required
Your Last Name is required
Role Within the NPO (e.g., President, Legislative Chair) is required
Email is required and must be in the format
Briefly Describe the Issue or Request is required
Browser Requirements
Modern browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge work best with this form. You may be unable to submit your request using Internet Explorer.