This year’s National Obesity Care Week was September 15 – 21, but the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) remains committed to developing clinically based education on obesity and improving access to affordable, comprehensive care.
In 2019, National Obesity Care Week saw 49 million media impressions, 150 legislative visits and 50 champion organizations taking part around the world. Together, champions advocated for improved treatment for individuals with obesity, for improved training and education for health care providers and to bring an end to weight bias in health care, employment, entertainment and education.
The work continues into this year’s ObesityWeekSM, presentedby The Obesity Society and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Held this week in Las Vegas, ObesityWeek is an international scientific conference “focused on the basic science, clinical application, surgical intervention and prevention of obesity."
The conference features scientific sessions, continuing education (CE), policy and public health discussions, co-sponsored programming with associations and government agencies and industry-sponsored symposiums and networking events.
A Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP), Susan Groth, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, presented her poster The Effect of Physical Activity on Postpartum Weight Retention 6 and 12 Months After Childbirth during the Physical (In)Activity poster session on Wednesday, November 6. She also contributed to the poster The Association of Serotonergic Pathway With Obesity and Disinhibited Eating in Black Adolescents, which was presented during the Eating Behavior poster session on Tuesday, November 5.
Visit AANP’s Obesity and Weight Management Therapeutic Area for additional information for your practice, including: